by Jeff Hacker | Sep 26, 2024 | Owner Education, Property Management Education, San Francisco Greater Bay Area Property Management Education
Whether you’re a new landlord or an experienced rental property owner in San Mateo County, you’re certainly familiar with the discerning tastes of prospective tenants in the Bay Area’s most desired neighborhoods and communities. San Mateo County...
by Joseph Denoia | Jun 24, 2022 | Owner Education, Property Management Education, San Francisco Greater Bay Area Property Management Education
Why should an Homeowners Association (HOA) or a community association consider hiring a property manager? There’s a lot to consider when you’re thinking about self-managing your association. Many associations are in communities that include parks, running paths,...
by Joseph Denoia | Aug 2, 2019 | Owner Education, Property Management Education, San Francisco Greater Bay Area Property Management Education
Many owners wonder why they should hire a property manager for their investment property. We often hear questions like: How much do property managers charge? If the owner is living out of state, who is going to run their investment property? What kind of services does...
by Joseph Denoia | May 29, 2018 | San Francisco Greater Bay Area Property Management Education
Are you a real estate agent looking to sell that home? Are you having a hard time? Has it been on the market too long? Sounds like it’s time to seek out a home staging company. Benefits of Home Staging for Real Estate Agents Stagers Home Design was formed...
by Joseph Denoia | May 22, 2018 | Owner Education, Property Management Education, San Francisco Greater Bay Area Property Management Education
Have you ever been in the situation where a landlord and a tenant disagree about a rent increase? San Mateo has come up with a solution. Today, we’re talking about the San Mateo mediation law. This law was passed in December of 2017, and it took effect on January 11,...
by Joseph Denoia | Nov 28, 2017 | Owner Education, Property Management Education, San Francisco Greater Bay Area Property Management Education
As you may remember, in November of 2016, Prop 64 passed, making it legal to purchase and smoke marijuana in California. However, the federal government still considers it a controlled substance, which means it has to be regulated. Today, we are discussing how it is...